Enhanced C#
Language of your choice: library documentation
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NLeMPThe lexical macro processor. Main classes: LeMP.Compiler and LeMP.MacroProcessor
 NPreludeDefines prelude macros, which are predefined macros that normally do not have to be explicitly imported before use (in LES or EC#)
 NTestsContains tests for the LeMP.MacroProcessor and for standard LeMP macros
 NLoycMain Loyc namespace. This namespace includes all general-purpose code in the Loyc megaproject. It includes the code of Loyc.Essentials.dll and Loyc.Collections.dll (collections, geometry, MiniTest, MessageSink, etc.), and also the code of Loyc.Syntax.dll
 NCollectionsContains general-purpose interfaces (Loyc.Collections.IListSource<T>, ranges, etc.), collection implementations (Loyc.Collections.DList<T>, Loyc.Collections.WeakValueDictionary<K,V>, etc.), extension methods (Loyc.Collections.LCExt, Loyc.Collections.EnumerableExt, etc.), helper classes (Loyc.Collections.EmptyList<T>, (Loyc.Collections.Repeated<T>, etc.), and adapter classes (Loyc.Collections.ListSlice<T>, Loyc.Collections.BufferedSequence<T>, etc.)
 NImplContains helper classes and base classes for implementing collections (Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList<T>, Loyc.Collections.Impl.ListExBase<T>, Loyc.Collections.Impl.ListSourceBase<T>, etc.) Also contains the AList and CPTrie node classes, which perhaps should not be public..
 NMutableListExtensionMethodsContains extension methods for ICollection<T> and IList<T> that are possibly ambiguous when included in the same namespace as extension methods for IReadOnlyCollection<T> and IReadOnlyList<T>
 NCompatibilityImportant interfaces of newer .NET versions than the version for which Loyc was compiled
 NEcsClasses related to Enhanced C# (mostly found in Loyc.Ecs.dll)
 NParserEnhanced C# parser
 NTestsUnit tests for the Enhanced C# lexer, parser and printer
 NGeometryContains math code and data types for processing geometry (points, lines, polygons, etc.). Basic geometry stuff is in Loyc.Essentials.dll, while more advanced algorithms are found in Loyc.Utilities.dll
 NLLParserGeneratorCode related to LLLPG, the Loyc LL(k) Parser Generator (LLLPG.exe)
 NLLPGContains macros for using LLLPG in LeMP
 NMathContains general-purpose math algorithms beyond what is provided in the .NET BCL (Base Class Library). Notable class: Math.MathEx
 NMiniTestA stripped-down NUnit lookalike which allows you to put simple unit tests in an assembly without having to add a reference to NUnit.Framework.dll
 NSyntaxLoyc.Syntax.dll: contains Loyc trees (Loyc.Syntax.LNode), lexing stuff, LLLPG base classes (BaseParser{T} and BaseLexer), the LES parser and printer, data types related to source code management (e.g. ISourceFile, SourceRange) and other general-purpose code related to the manipulation of syntax
 NLesContains classes related to Loyc Expression Syntax (LES), including the parser and printer (reachable through Loyc.Syntax.Les.LesLanguageService)
 NLexingContains classes related to lexical analysis, such as the universal token type (Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.Token) and Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.TokensToTree
 NThreadingHelper classes for multithreaded code
 NUtilitiesContains general-purpose classes that are not considered important enough to go directly into the Loyc namespace. Most of the classes in this namespace are defined in Loyc.Utilities.dll