Enhanced C#
Language of your choice: library documentation
Contains classes related to Loyc Expression Syntax (LES), including the parser and printer (reachable through Loyc.Syntax.Les.LesLanguageService). More...
Classes | |
struct | CustomLiteral |
A custom literal is a normal number or string paired with a (typically unrecognized) type prefix or suffix. More... | |
class | DefaultNodePrinterWriter |
Base class for token-printing helper classes. See INodePrinterWriter. More... | |
interface | INodePrinterWriter |
This interface is implemented by helper objects that handle the low-level details of node printing. It is used by Les2Printer. More... | |
class | Les2LanguageService |
The Value property provides easy access to the lexer, parser and printer for Loyc Expression Syntax (LES). More... | |
class | Les2Lexer |
Lexer for EC# source code. More... | |
class | Les2Parser |
Parses LES (Loyc Expression Syntax) code into a sequence of Loyc trees (LNode), one per top-level statement. More... | |
class | Les2PrecedenceMap |
This class's main job is to maintain a table of Precedence values for LES operators. When you ask about a new operator, its precedence is chosen by this class and cached for future reference. More... | |
class | Les2Printer |
Prints a Loyc tree in LES (Loyc Expression Syntax) format. More... | |
class | Les2PrinterOptions |
Options to control the way Loyc trees are printed by Les2Printer. More... | |
class | Les3LanguageService |
class | Les3Lexer |
class | Les3Parser |
class | Les3PrecedenceMap |
class | Les3PrettyPrinter |
A variant of Les3Printer that adds syntax highlighting in one of three ways: as console output, as HTML output, or as LesColorCode control codes. More... | |
class | Les3Printer |
class | Les3PrinterOptions |
A set of extended options supported when printing in LES3. More... | |
class | LesLanguageService |
Alternate name for Les2LanguageService (will change to Les3LanguageService in the future) More... | |
class | LesPrecedence |
Contains Precedence objects that represent the precedence levels of LES. More... | |
class | NodePrinterWriterBase |
Abstract base class for INodePrinterWriter. Has an protected _indentLevel field that is increased by Indent() and decreased by Dedent(). More... | |
class | TokenExt |
Provides the Type() extension method required by Token and the ToString(Token) method to express an LES token as a string, for tokens that contain sufficient information to do so. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | TT = TokenType |
using | S = CodeSymbols |
using | P = LesPrecedence |
Enumerations | |
enum | LesColorCode { None = 0, Comment = 14, Id = 15, Number = 16, String = 17, CustomLiteral = 18, KeywordLiteral = 19, Operator = 21, Separator = 22, Attribute = 23, Keyword = 25, SpecialId = 26, Unknown = 28, Opener = 29, Closer = 30 } |
These codes are produced as control characters (i.e. cast to char) in the output of Les3PrettyPrinter. More... | |
enum | TokenType { EOF = 0, Newline = TokenKind.Spaces + 2, SLComment = TokenKind.Comment, MLComment = TokenKind.Comment + 1, Shebang = TokenKind.Comment + 255, Id = TokenKind.Id, BQId = TokenKind.Id + 1, Literal = TokenKind.Literal, Dot = TokenKind.Dot, Assignment = TokenKind.Assignment, NormalOp = TokenKind.Operator, PreOrSufOp = TokenKind.Operator + 1, PrefixOp = TokenKind.Operator + 2, At = TokenKind.Operator + 5, Not = TokenKind.Operator + 6, Colon = TokenKind.Operator + 8, SingleQuote = TokenKind.Operator + 9, BQOperator = TokenKind.Operator + 255, Comma = TokenKind.Separator, Semicolon = TokenKind.Separator + 1, Keyword = TokenKind.OtherKeyword, LParen = TokenKind.LParen, SpaceLParen = TokenKind.LParen + 1, RParen = TokenKind.RParen, LBrack = TokenKind.LBrack, RBrack = TokenKind.RBrack, LBrace = TokenKind.LBrace, RBrace = TokenKind.RBrace, Unknown = TokenKind.Other + 1, TreeDef = TokenKind.Other + 2, BackRef = TokenKind.Other + 3 } |
Contains classes related to Loyc Expression Syntax (LES), including the parser and printer (reachable through Loyc.Syntax.Les.LesLanguageService).
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These codes are produced as control characters (i.e. cast to char) in the output of Les3PrettyPrinter.
A note about implementation coupling: Les3PrettyPrinter relies on color codes provided to it by the base class Les3Printer.