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General-purpose code generator that supports any language with a finite number of input symbols represented by LNode expressions. This is the code generator helper for LLLPG parser {...}
General-purpose code generator that supports any language with a finite number of input symbols represented by LNode expressions. This is the code generator helper for LLLPG parser {...}
To use, assign a new instance of this class to LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelper
This code generator operates on sets of LNodes. It assumes that every expression in a set is a unique terminal; for example, it assumes that the expressions 123 and Foo represent two different terminals. The expected data type of each terminal is given to the constructor (the default is int).
Public fields | |
LNode | LaType |
Specifies the data type of LA0 and lookahead variables. More... | |
LNode | SetType |
Specifies the data type for large terminal sets (default: HashSet<T>). More... | |
bool | AllowSwitch |
Specified whether this class is allowed to generate C# switch() statements. More... | |
LNode | MatchCast |
If MatchCast is set, a cast to this type is added when calling Match() or NewSet() or set.Contains(). More... | |
Public static fields | |
static readonly LNode | EOF = F_.Id("EOF") |
Properties | |
bool | CastLA [get, set] |
Whether to cast the result of LA0 and LA(i) to LaType (default: true) More... | |
override IPGTerminalSet | EmptySet [get] |
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LNode | InputSource [get, set] |
Specifies an object or class on which LLLPG APIs such as Match() and LA() should be called. More... | |
LNode | InputClass [get, set] |
Specifies a class or namespace to use when calling static functions. There is only one currently: NewSet(), which applies only to . More... | |
LNode | TerminalType [get, set] |
The type returned from Match() methods. More... | |
LNode | ListType [get, set] |
Gets or sets the type of lists created with the +: operator (default: List<T>). The identifier "T" should appear in the expression; it will be replaced with the type of items in the list. More... | |
LNode | ListInitializer [get, set] |
Gets or sets the initializer expression for lists created with the +: operator (default: new List<T>()). The identifier "T" should appear in the expression; it will be replaced with the type of items in the list. More... | |
bool | NoCheckByDefault [get, set] |
If true, calls to Check() are suppressed when AndPred.CheckErrorMessage is null. More... | |
abstract IPGTerminalSet | EmptySet [get] |
virtual int | BaseCostForSwitch [get] |
Used to help decide whether a "switch" or an if-else chain will be used for prediction. This is the starting cost of a switch (the starting cost of an if-else chain is set to zero). More... | |
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IPGTerminalSet | EmptySet [get] |
Returns an empty set of the appropriate type for the kind of parser being generated by this code. More... | |
LNode | TerminalType [get] |
Type of variables auto-declared when you use labels in your grammar (e.g. x:Foo (list+:Bar)*) More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
GeneralCodeGenHelper (LNode laType=null, bool allowSwitch=true) | |
GeneralCodeGenHelper (LNode laType, LNode setType=null, bool allowSwitch=true) | |
override Pred | CodeToTerminalPred (LNode expr, ref string errorMsg) |
Creates a terminal predicate from a code expression. More... | |
override string | Example (IPGTerminalSet set_) |
Returns an example of an item in the set. If the example is a character, it should be surrounded by single quotes. More... | |
override LNode | GenerateMatchExpr (IPGTerminalSet set_, bool savingResult, bool recognizerMode) |
Generate code to match a set, e.g. MatchRange('a', 'z'); or MatchExcept(' . If the set is too complex, a declaration for it is created in classBody. More... | |
override LNode | LAType () |
Returns the data type of LA(k) More... | |
override LNode | LA (int k) |
Generates code to read LA(k). More... | |
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void | SetListInitializer (LNode varDecl) |
Sets ListType and/or ListInitializer based on an expression. A statement like Type x = expr sets ListType = Type and ListInitializer = expr ; A statement like Type x just sets ListType = Type ; and any other expression expr sets ListInitializer = expr . More... | |
LNode | ResolveAlias (LNode expr) |
Returns the node for an alias. If the specified node is not an alias, returns the same node unchanged. More... | |
virtual LNode | VisitInput (LNode stmt, IMessageSink sink) |
In case the IPGCodeGenHelper is interested, the LLLPG macro calls this method on each statement in the body of the macro (as a preprocessing step, before LLLPG looks at it). No action is required. More... | |
virtual IPGTerminalSet | Optimize (IPGTerminalSet set, IPGTerminalSet dontcare) |
Simplifies the specified set, if possible, so that GenerateTest() can generate simpler code for an if-else chain in a prediction tree. More... | |
virtual ? char | ExampleChar (IPGTerminalSet set) |
Returns an example of a character in the set, or null if this is not a set of characters or if EOF is the only member of the set. More... | |
virtual void | Begin (WList< LNode > classBody, ISourceFile sourceFile) |
Before the parser generator generates code, it calls this method. More... | |
virtual void | BeginRule (Rule rule) |
Notifies the snippet generator that code generation is starting for a new rule. More... | |
virtual void | Done () |
LLParserGenerator calls this method to notify the snippet generator that code generation is complete. More... | |
virtual LNode | GenerateTest (IPGTerminalSet set, LNode laVar) |
Generates code to test whether the terminal denoted 'laVar' is in the set. More... | |
virtual LNode | GenerateSkip (bool savingResult) |
Returns (Skip()) , or (MatchAny()) if the result is to be saved. More... | |
virtual LNode | GenerateAndPredCheck (AndPred andPred, LNode code, int li) |
Generate code to check an and-predicate during or after prediction, e.g. &!{foo} becomes !(foo) during prediction and Check(!(foo)); afterward. More... | |
virtual LNode | GenerateMatch (IPGTerminalSet set, bool savingResult, bool recognizerMode) |
Generate code to match a set, e.g. MatchRange('a', 'z'); or MatchExcept(' . If the set is too complex, a declaration for it is created in the classBody which was passed to Begin() . More... | |
virtual LNode | ErrorBranch (IPGTerminalSet covered, int laIndex) |
Generates code for the default error branch of prediction (called when there is no explicit error branch). More... | |
virtual bool | ShouldGenerateSwitch (IPGTerminalSet[] sets, MSet< int > casesToInclude, bool hasErrorBranch) |
Decides whether to use a switch() and for which cases, using BaseCostForSwitch and GetRelativeCostForSwitch. More... | |
virtual LNode | GenerateSwitch (IPGTerminalSet[] branchSets, LNode[] branchCode, MSet< int > casesToInclude, LNode defaultBranch, LNode laVar) |
Generates a switch statement with the specified branches where branchCode[i] is the code to run if the input is in the set branchSets[i]. More... | |
virtual LNode | CreateRuleMethod (Rule rule, LNodeList methodBody) |
Generates the method for a rule, given the method's contents. More... | |
LNode | CreateTryWrapperForRecognizer (Rule rule) |
See IPGCodeGenHelper.CreateTryWrapperForRecognizer for more information. More... | |
virtual LNode | CallRule (RuleRef rref, bool recognizerMode) |
Generates code to call a rule based on rref.Rule.Name and rref.Params . More... | |
virtual LNode | CallTryRecognizer (RuleRef rref, int lookahead) |
Generates a call to the Try_Scan_*() function that wraps around a Scan_*() recognizer. Called while generating code for an and-pred. More... | |
virtual LNode | GetListType (LNode type) |
Gets the list type for elements of the specified type (e.g. List<type>) More... | |
virtual LNode | MakeInitializedVarDecl (LNode type, bool wantList, Symbol varName) |
Gets a variable declaration for the specified type, e.g. if type is Foo and wantList == true and varName.Name == "x" , the statement returned might be List<Foo> x = new List<Foo>(); More... | |
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Protected Member Functions | |
override LNode | GenerateTest (IPGTerminalSet set_, LNode subject, Symbol setName) |
Generates code to test whether a terminal is in the set. More... | |
override LNode | GenerateSetDecl (IPGTerminalSet set_, Symbol setName) |
Generates a declaration for a variable that holds the set. More... | |
override int | GetRelativeCostForSwitch (IPGTerminalSet set_) |
Used to help decide whether a "switch" or an if statement will be used to handle a prediction tree, and if so which branches. This method should calculate the "cost of switch" (which generally represents a code size penalty, as there is a separate case for every element of the set) and the "cost of if" (which generally represents a speed penalty) and return the difference (so that positive numbers favor "switch" and negative numbers favor "if".) More... | |
override IEnumerable< LNode > | GetCases (IPGTerminalSet set_) |
Gets the literals or symbols to use for switch cases of a set (just the values, not including the case labels.) More... | |
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virtual Symbol | GenerateSetName (Rule currentRule) |
virtual Symbol | GenerateSetDecl (IPGTerminalSet set) |
virtual LNode | ApiCall (Symbol apiName, params LNode[] args) |
Returns an LNode representing a call to the specified LLLPG API. For example, if the user used a "inputSource=input" option, then ApiCall(_Match, F.Literal('7')) would generate a node that represents input.Match('7') . More... | |
virtual LNode | ApiCall (Symbol apiName, IEnumerable< LNode > args, bool isStatic=false) |
Returns an LNode representing a call to the specified LLLPG API. For example, if the user used a "inputSource=input" option, then ApiCall(_Match, F.Literal('7')) would generate a node that represents input.Match('7') . More... | |
virtual LNode | ApiType (LNode typeName) |
virtual LNode | DefaultOf (LNode type, bool wantList) |
Protected static fields | |
static readonly Symbol | _Symbol = GSymbol.Get("Symbol") |
static readonly Symbol | _HashSet = GSymbol.Get("HashSet") |
static readonly Symbol | _NewSet = GSymbol.Get("NewSet") |
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static readonly Symbol | _Skip = GSymbol.Get("Skip") |
static readonly Symbol | _MatchAny = GSymbol.Get("MatchAny") |
static readonly Symbol | _Match = GSymbol.Get("Match") |
static readonly Symbol | _MatchExcept = GSymbol.Get("MatchExcept") |
static readonly Symbol | _MatchRange = GSymbol.Get("MatchRange") |
static readonly Symbol | _MatchExceptRange = GSymbol.Get("MatchExceptRange") |
static readonly Symbol | _TryMatch = GSymbol.Get("TryMatch") |
static readonly Symbol | _TryMatchExcept = GSymbol.Get("TryMatchExcept") |
static readonly Symbol | _TryMatchRange = GSymbol.Get("TryMatchRange") |
static readonly Symbol | _TryMatchExceptRange = GSymbol.Get("TryMatchExceptRange") |
static readonly Symbol | _LA = GSymbol.Get("LA") |
static readonly Symbol | _LA0 = GSymbol.Get("LA0") |
static readonly Symbol | _Check = GSymbol.Get("Check") |
static readonly Symbol | _Error = GSymbol.Get("Error") |
static readonly Symbol | _underscore = GSymbol.Get("_") |
static readonly Symbol | _alias = GSymbol.Get("alias") |
static readonly Symbol | _T = GSymbol.Get("T") |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static bool | EndMayBeReachable (LNode stmt) |
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int | _setNameCounter = 0 |
LNodeFactory | F |
WList< LNode > | _classBody |
Rule | _currentRule |
Dictionary< LNode, LNode > | _definedAliases = new Dictionary<LNode, LNode>() |
inlinevirtual |
Creates a terminal predicate from a code expression.
expr | A expression provided by the user, such as "a string" , a Token.Type , or a value..range . expr will not be a call to the inversion operator #~ (that's handled internally using IPGTerminalSet.Inverted()). This method also handles the "any token" input, which is an underscore by convention (_). |
errorMsg | An error message to display. If the method returns null, the LLLPG macro shows this as an error; if this method does not return null, the message (if provided) is shown as a warning. |
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Dot, Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Equals(), Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Name, Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Of, and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.ResolveAlias().
inlinevirtual |
Returns an example of an item in the set. If the example is a character, it should be surrounded by single quotes.
This helps produce error messages in LLLPG.
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.Syntax.ParsingMode.Expressions.
inlinevirtual |
Generate code to match a set, e.g. MatchRange('a', 'z');
or MatchExcept('
. If the set is too complex, a declaration for it is created in classBody.
', '\r'); }
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.ApiCall(), and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateSetDecl().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Generates a declaration for a variable that holds the set.
For example, if setName is foo, a set such as [aeiouy] might use an external declaration such as
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Cast, Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.MatchCast, and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.SetType.
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateMatchExpr().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Generates code to test whether a terminal is in the set.
subject | Represents the variable to be tested. |
setName | Names an external set variable to use for the test. |
(la0 >= '0' && '9' >= la0)
, or null if an external setName is needed and was not provided.At first, LLParserGenerator calls this method with setName == null
. If it returns null, it calls the method a second time, giving the name of an external variable in which the set is held (see GenerateSetDecl(IPGTerminalSet)).
For example, if the subject is @la0, the test for a simple set like [a-z?] might be something like (la0 >= 'a' && 'z' >= la0) || la0 == '?'
. When the setName is foo
, the test might be foo.Contains(la0)
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Cast, Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Eq, Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.InputClass, Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LaType, Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.MatchCast, Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Not, Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.NotEq, and Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Or.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Gets the literals or symbols to use for switch cases of a set (just the values, not including the case labels.)
Reimplemented from Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Used to help decide whether a "switch" or an if statement will be used to handle a prediction tree, and if so which branches. This method should calculate the "cost of switch" (which generally represents a code size penalty, as there is a separate case for every element of the set) and the "cost of if" (which generally represents a speed penalty) and return the difference (so that positive numbers favor "switch" and negative numbers favor "if".)
If the set is inverted, return a something like -1000000 to ensure 'switch' is not used for that set.
Reimplemented from Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.AllowSwitch.
inlinevirtual |
Generates code to read LA(k).
Reimplemented from Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.Syntax.CodeSymbols.Cast, Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.CastLA, and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LaType.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the data type of LA(k)
Implements Loyc.LLParserGenerator.CodeGenHelperBase.
References Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LaType.
bool Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.AllowSwitch |
Specified whether this class is allowed to generate C# switch() statements.
C# switch() only allows constant values as cases. If the token values are not constants (e.g. if they are symbols), you'll have to disable switch generation.
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GetRelativeCostForSwitch().
LNode Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LaType |
Specifies the data type of LA0 and lookahead variables.
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateTest(), Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LA(), and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LAType().
LNode Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.MatchCast |
If MatchCast is set, a cast to this type is added when calling Match() or NewSet() or set.Contains().
This requires some explanation because it's a bit subtle. I made the decision to implement BaseParser<Token> with Match(...)
methods that accept integers, e.g. Match(int a, int b, int c)
. I could have parameterized BaseParser
and its Match
methods on the token type (e.g. BaseParser(Token,TokenType)) but unfortunately this lowers performance because if BaseParser doesn't know that TokenType is an integer or an enum, it requires three virtual method calls to compare the current token with a, b and c (also, note that C# prohibits "enum" as a generic constraint for reasons unknown).
To avoid this performance snag, BaseParser just assumes that the token type is an integer. Of course, the derived class will still use named enum values. If the enum type is called TT, Match(TT.A, TT.B, TT.C)
produces a C# compiler error, so LLLPG needs to generate a cast to int: Match((int) TT.A, (int) TT.B, (int) TT.C)
. That's what this option is for. When you set this option, it inserts a cast to the specified type. Normally you'll set it to #int32.
When using this option, LaType should still be the enum type rather than #int32.
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateSetDecl(), and Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateTest().
LNode Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.SetType |
Specifies the data type for large terminal sets (default: HashSet<T>).
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.GenerateSetDecl().
getset |
Whether to cast the result of LA0 and LA(i) to LaType (default: true)
Referenced by Loyc.LLParserGenerator.GeneralCodeGenHelper.LA().