A list wrapper that provides ListChanging and ListChanged events. You can also implement custom behavior by overriding its methods.
A list wrapper that provides ListChanging and ListChanged events. You can also implement custom behavior by overriding its methods.
- See also
- ListWrapper<TList,T>
| ListWithChangeEvents (TList list) |
override void | Add (T item) |
override void | Clear () |
override bool | Remove (T item) |
override void | Insert (int index, T item) |
override void | RemoveAt (int index) |
virtual void | AddRange (IEnumerable< T > list) |
virtual void | AddRange (IReadOnlyCollection< T > list) |
virtual void | InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > list) |
virtual void | InsertRange (int index, IReadOnlyCollection< T > list) |
void | RemoveRange (int index, int amount) |
virtual bool | TrySet (int index, T value) |
| ListWrapper (TList wrappedObject) |
virtual int | IndexOf (T item) |
virtual IRange< T > | Slice (int start, int count=int.MaxValue) |
virtual T | TryGet (int index, out bool fail) |
| CollectionWrapper (TCollection collection) |
virtual bool | Contains (T item) |
virtual void | CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex) |
virtual IEnumerator< T > | GetEnumerator () |
IRange< T > | Slice (int start, int count=int.MaxValue) |
| Returns a sub-range of this list. More...
void | CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex) |
| Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular array index. More...
bool | Contains (T item) |
| Returns true if and only if the collection contains the specified item. More...
void | Clear () |
bool | Remove (T item) |
void | AddRange (IEnumerable< T > e) |
void | AddRange (IReadOnlyCollection< T > s) |
void | InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > s) |
void | InsertRange (int index, IReadOnlyCollection< T > s) |
void | RemoveRange (int index, int amount) |