Project Status & Task List

updated 10 Nov 2016

Help wanted!

Loyc .NET core libraries, Loyc trees, and LES

See status at

Enhanced C#: the project to add numerous features to C#

LeMP: Lexical Macro Processor

Multi-Language Standard Library (MLSL)

Not started.

This project will be to create a “standard library” that facilitates writing libraries in multiple languages simultaneously. Discussed here.

Standard Imperative Language (SIL)

Not started.

This project will be to create a family of similar “abstract” languages with

SIL will have three purposes:

SIL will be a superset of most existing languages, in that its broadest incarnation needs to support the features of all source languages.

Loyc LL(k) Parser Generator (LLLPG)

Baadia: Boxes and arrows diagram maker

MiniTestRunner: Unit test and benchmark runner
