JSON as plain-old objects: 111-line parser and 217-line printer
The parser generator LLLPG recently got an ANTLR-style input mode, which requires a bit less typing than the original LLLPG mode. I thought parsing JSON would be a nice way to show off this new mode, as well as illustrate how to use LLLPG.
I’ll also show you a relatively simple technique I developed for printing out JSON (or other languages) while deciding dynamically where to put newlines based on the length of the content. For example,
How to parse JSON with LLLPG
JSON, it turns out, is one of the rare languages that is so simple it doesn’t need a two-stage parser: it’s LL(1) in characters. In contrast, most computer languages are LL(*) (unbounded lookahead is required) from the perspective of how many characters you have to look ahead before deciding which grammar rule to invoke) even when a two-stage parser would only be LL(2).
You can find the complete parser in the LLLPG-Samples repo; here I’ll just show you around:
using System(, .Collections.Generic, .Linq, .Text, .Diagnostics);
using Loyc(, .Collections, .Syntax(, .Lexing));
namespace Json
public class JsonParser : BaseLexer<ICharSource>
/// <summary>Parses a json string into an object.</summary>
/// <returns>a Dictionary{string, object}, List{object}, string or number.</returns>
/// <remarks>Remember, string converts implicitly to UString which boxes into ICharSource</remarks>
public static object Parse(UString chars, bool allowComments = false) { return Parse(chars, "", 0, true, allowComments); }
public static object Parse(ICharSource chars, string fileName, int inputPosition = 0,
bool checkForEofAfter = true, bool allowComments = false, IMessageSink errSink = null)
var parser = new JsonParser(chars, fileName, inputPosition, false) { AllowComments = allowComments };
if (errSink != null) parser.ErrorSink = errSink;
var result = parser.Value();
if (checkForEofAfter && parser.LA0 != -1)
parser.Error(0, "Expected EOF after JSON value");
return result;
public bool AllowComments { get; set; }
public JsonParser(ICharSource chars, string fileName = "", int inputPosition = 0, bool newSourceFile = true)
: base(chars, fileName, inputPosition, newSourceFile) {}
[LL(1), FullLLk, AddCsLineDirectives(false)]
LLLPG (lexer)
@{ // '@' enables ANTLR syntax mode (not quite ANTLR-compatible though)
// Whitespace -----------------------------------------------------
[LL(2)] // for comments
SkipWS :
[ (' ' | '\t')
| Newline
| &{AllowComments} // not a real part of JSON
( "//" ~('\r'|'\n')* (Newline|EOF)
| "/*" nongreedy(Newline / _)* "*/" )
extern rule Newline : '\r' + '\n'? | '\n'; // inherit from base class
// Numbers & Strings ----------------------------------------------
private Number returns [double result] : {int start = InputPosition;}
( '0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'* )
( '.' '0'..'9'* )?
( ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? '0'..'9'+ )?
UString str = CharSource.Slice(start, InputPosition - start);
$result = ParseHelpers.TryParseDouble(ref str, 10);
private String returns [string result] : {int start = InputPosition;}
{bool escaped = false;}
( '\\' _ {escaped = true;} | default ~('"'|'\\'|0..31) )*
('"' | error { Error(0, "Expected closing quote"); })
UString text = CharSource.Slice(start + 1, InputPosition - start - 2);
if (escaped) {
$result = ParseHelpers.UnescapeCStyle(text);
} else {
$result = (string) text;
// Complex values -------------------------------------------------
protected Value returns [object result] :
( result=Dictionary
| result=List
| result=Number
| result=String
| result=WordLiteral
| error { Error(0, "Expected a value"); $result = null; }
) SkipWS;
[LL(10)] // LL(1) would work but not show the desired error message in case of e.g. "troo"
private WordLiteral returns [object result] : {int start = InputPosition;}
( "true" {$result = G.BoxedTrue;}
/ "false" {return G.BoxedFalse;}
/ "null" {return null;}
/ ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ {
Error(0, "JSON does not support identifiers");
return CharSource.Slice(start, InputPosition - start).ToString();
private List returns [List<object> result] :
{$result = new List<object>();}
'[' SkipWS ( result+=Value (',' result+=Value)* )? ']';
private Dictionary returns [Dictionary<string, object> result] :
{$result = new Dictionary<string, object>();}
'{' SkipWS ( Pair[result] ( ',' Pair[result] )* )? '}';
private Pair[Dictionary<string, object> dict] :
( SkipWS String SkipWS
( ':' Value
{dict.Add($String, $Value);}
| error { Error(0, "Expected value for '{0}'", $String); }
| error { $String = ""; Error(0, "Expected a string key"); } ~(':'|'}'|',')