LeMP Home Page

the Lexical Macro Processor for C#


LeMP is an open-source LISP-style macro processor for C#, comparable to sweet.js for Javascript. Install it in Visual Studio to help you write boilerplate.

public static partial class ExtensionMethods
  define GenerateInRangeMethods($Num)
    // Returns true if num in range lo..hi
    public static bool IsInRange
      (this $Num num, $Num lo, $Num hi)
      => num >= lo && num <= hi;
    public static $Num PutInRange
      (this $Num n, $Num min, $Num max)
      if (n < min)
        return min;
      if (n > max)
        return max;
      return n;

// Generated from Untitled.ecs by LeMP
public static partial class ExtensionMethods
  // Returns true if num in range lo..hi
  public static bool IsInRange
    (this int num, int lo, int hi) => 
    num >= lo && num <= hi;
  public static int PutInRange
    (this int n, int min, int max)
    if (n < min)
      return min;
    if (n > max)
      return max;
    return n;
  // Returns true if num in range lo..hi
  public static bool IsInRange
    (this long num, long lo, long hi) => 
    num >= lo && num <= hi;
  public static long PutInRange
    (this long n, long min, long max)
    if (n < min)
      return min;
    if (n > max)
      return max;
    return n;
  // Returns true if num in range lo..hi
  public static bool IsInRange
    (this double num, double lo, double hi) => 
    num >= lo && num <= hi;
  public static double PutInRange
    (this double n, double min, double max)
    if (n < min)
      return min;
    if (n > max)
      return max;
    return n;

LeMP helps you solve the repetition-of-boilerplate problem, and it allows you to transform code at compile-time in arbitrary ways.

Example: compile-time code execution and code manipulation

LeMP can be used for compile-time calculations, reflection and code generation. It is possible to use ordinary reflection, but this example shows off more features of LeMP. It scans a syntax tree at compile-time and produces a list of the function names that it saw.

compileTimeAndRuntime {
  // This code is executed at compile-time and also included in the output
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Linq;
compileTime {
  // This code is executed at compile-time but not included in the output
  static List<string> GetFunctionNames(LNodeList input) {
    var functionNames = new List<string>();
    // Scan the list of statements we were given and find functions among them
    foreach (LNode part in input) {
      // Use the matchCode macro to detect anything that looks like a function
      matchCode(part) {
        // $name means "create a variable representing the code at this location".
        // [$(..attributes)] means "capture attributes attached to this construct".
      	case { [$(..attributes)] $retVal $name($(..argList)) => $(body); }:
    return functionNames;
  static LNode WithMetadata(LNode input) {
    // quote { } produces a single node when the input was a list. 
    // Convert input back to a list.
    var names = GetFunctionNames(input.AsList(CodeSymbols.Splice));
    return quote {
      static string[] metadata = new[] {
      	$(..names.Select(name => LNode.Literal(name)))
// This creates a user-defined macro called withMetadata
define withMetadata({ $(..code); }) {
  // `precompute` runs an expression at compile time and replaces itself with 
  // its own result, which can either be a primitive (e.g. number or string)
  // or a syntax tree
  precompute(WithMetadata(quote { $code; }));

class Example {
  withMetadata {
    public static int Square(int x) => x*x;
    public static int Cube(int x) => x*x*x;
    public static int DoNothing() {}
    static int variable;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Example {
	static string[] metadata = new[] { 
		"Square", "Cube", "DoNothing"
	public static int Square(int x) => x * x;
	public static int Cube(int x) => x * x * x;
	public static int DoNothing() { }
	static int variable;

Need help using these features? Please ask on StackOverflow (put the lemp tag on your question and I will see it.)

Note: compileTime and precompute are based on the C# Interactive engine, which has some limitations (e.g. namespaces are not supported). Also, notice that using statements are ignored at compile-time unless they are inside a compileTimeAndRuntime or compileTime block. This is because assemblies used by your project are not automatically referenced at compile time, so the namespaces that you use at runtime might not exist at compile-time.

Example: using

A really simple example is ‘using’ statements:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Loyc.Collections;
using Loyc.MiniTest;
using Loyc.Syntax;

Luckily, Visual Studio can add these for us. But wouldn’t it be nice if half the screen wasn’t ‘using’ statements every time you open a file? There is a LeMP macro that lets you collapse these onto a couple of lines:

using System(.Linq, .Text, .Collections(, .Generic), .IO, );
using Loyc(.Collections, .MiniTest, .Syntax);

The comma , before the closing ) adds an “empty” parameter to the list, which indicates that using System itself is one of the outputs you want to produce.

Example: Small data types

I like to create a lot of small data types, rather than using a few huge ones. And when you’re making small data types, C# is annoying. A simple type isn’t hard:

public class Person {
	public string Name;
	public DateTime DateOfBirth;
	public List<Person> Children;

But this simplicity has a big price:

So, you probably need a constructor. But adding a constructor is a pain!

public class Person
	public string Name           { get; }
	public DateTime DateOfBirth  { get; }
	public List<Person> Children { get; }
	public Person(string name, DateTime dateOfBirth, List<Person> children)
		Name = name;
		DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
		Children = children;
		// TODO: Add validation code

It’s too much repetition!

LeMP solves these problems with a combination of (1) a macro, and (2) a little syntactical “makeover” of C#. In LeMP you’d write this:

public class Person
	public this(
		public string Name           { get; },
		public DateTime DateOfBirth  { get; },
		public List<Person> Children { get; })
		// TODO: Add validation code

Your output file will contain exactly the code listed above, and there is no repetition except for public .. { get; } (but you might not want everything to be public anyway). Great!

What’s going on? Enhanced C# includes two syntax changes to support this, each with a supporting macro:

  1. To reduce repetition and ambiguity, Enhanced C# allows this as a constructor name (a feature borrowed from the D language). A macro changes this into Person so that plain C# understands it.
  2. Enhanced C# allows property definitions as method parameters (or wherever an expression is allowed). A macro is programmed to notice properties, and visibility attributes (like public) on variables. When it notices one of those, it responds by transferring it out to the class, and putting a normal argument in the constructor. Finally, it adds a statement at the beginning of the constructor, to assign the value of the argument to the property or field.

Example: parsing

The biggest macro packaged with LeMP is a parser generator called LLLPG. This example defines EmailAddress.Parse(), which parses an email address into UserName and Domain parts:

using Loyc.Syntax; // Get the Loyc.Syntax package from NuGet

struct EmailAddress
   public EmailAddress(public UString UserName, public UString Domain) {}
   public override string ToString() { return UserName + "@" + Domain; }

   LLLPG (lexer(inputSource: src, inputClass: LexerSource)) {
      // LexerSource provides the runtime APIs that LLLPG uses. This is
      // static to avoid reallocating the helper object for each address.
      [ThreadStatic] static LexerSource<UString> src;
      public static rule EmailAddress Parse(UString email) @{
            if (src == null)
               src = new LexerSource<UString>(email, "", 0, false);
               src.Reset(email, "", 0, false);
         UsernameChars ('.' UsernameChars)*
         { int at = src.InputPosition; }
         '@' DomainCharSeq ('.' DomainCharSeq)* EOF
            UString userName = email.Substring(0, at);
            UString domain = email.Substring(at + 1);
            return new EmailAddress(userName, domain);
      static rule UsernameChars() @{
      static rule DomainCharSeq() @{
         [ '-'? ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9') ]*

Learn more

Learn more about LeMP in these published articles:

Macro reference manual

Help wanted

Do you have time to make LeMP better?

Integration into Visual Studio is basic at the moment; help wanted if you have skill in writing extensions.