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Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T > Class Template Reference

A compact auto-enlarging array structure that is intended to be used within other data structures. It should only be used internally in "private" or "protected" members of low-level code. More...

Source file:
Inheritance diagram for Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >:
Loyc.Collections.IListAndListSource< T > Loyc.Collections.IListRangeMethods< T > Loyc.Collections.IListAndReadOnly< T > Loyc.Collections.IListSource< T > Loyc.Collections.ICollectionAndSource< T > Loyc.Collections.ICollectionAndReadOnly< T > Loyc.Collections.ICollectionSource< T > Loyc.Collections.ICollectionAndReadOnly< T > Loyc.Collections.IContains< T >


A compact auto-enlarging array structure that is intended to be used within other data structures. It should only be used internally in "private" or "protected" members of low-level code.

Contains static methods to help manage raw arrays with even less overhead than InternalList<T>.

An article about this class is available.

InternalList is a struct, not a class, in order to save memory; and for maximum performance, it asserts rather than throwing an exception when an incorrect array index is used. Besides that, it has an InternalArray property that provides access to the internal array. For all these reasons one should not expose it in a public API, and it should only be used when performance trumps all other concerns.

Passing this structure by value is dangerous because changes to a copy of the structure may or may not be reflected in the original list. It's best not to pass it around at all, but if you must pass it, pass it by reference. Avoid using extension methods on this struct because an extension method will receive a copy of the struct.

Also, do not use the default contructor. Always specify an initial capacity or copy InternalList.Empty so that _array gets a value. This is required because methods such as Add(), Insert() and Resize() assume _array is not null.

InternalList has one nice thing that List(of T) lacks: a Resize method and an equivalent Count setter. Which dork at Microsoft decided no one should be allowed to set the list length directly? This type also provides a handy Last property and a Pop method to respectively get or remove the last item.

Finally, alongside InternalList(T), the static class InternalList comes with some static methods (CopyToNewArray, Insert, RemoveAt, Move) to help manage raw arrays. You might want to use these in a data structure implementation even if you choose not to use InternalList(T) instances.

The methods of this class are used by some data structures that contain arrays but, for whatever reason, don't use InternalList<T>. These methods are also used by InternalList(T) itself.

Nested classes

struct  Enumerator

Public fields

bool ICollection< T >. IsReadOnly => false

Public static fields

static readonly T[] EmptyArray = EmptyArray<T>.Value
static readonly InternalList< T > Empty = new InternalList<T>(EmptyArray<T>.Value, 0)


int Count [get, set]
bool IsEmpty [get]
int Capacity [get, set]
 Gets or sets the array length. More...
First [get, set]
Last [get, set]
T[] InternalArray [get]
this[int index] [get, set]
this[int index, T defaultValue] [get]

Public Member Functions

 InternalList (int capacity)
 InternalList (T[] array, int count)
 InternalList (IEnumerable< T > items)
 InternalList (IEnumerator< T > items)
void AutoRaiseCapacity (int more, int capacityLimit)
void Resize (int newSize)
void Resize (int newSize, bool allowReduceCapacity)
 Makes the list larger or smaller, depending on whether newSize is larger or smaller than Count. More...
void Add (T item)
void AddRange (IEnumerator< T > items)
void Insert (int index, T item)
void InsertRange (int index, ICollectionAndReadOnly< T > items)
void InsertRange (int index, IReadOnlyCollection< T > items)
void InsertRange (int index, ICollection< T > items)
void InsertRangeHelper (int index, int spaceNeeded)
void InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > e)
void AddRange (IReadOnlyCollection< T > items)
void AddRange (ICollection< T > items)
void AddRange (IEnumerable< T > e)
void AddRange (ICollectionAndReadOnly< T > items)
void Clear ()
 Clears the list and frees the memory used by the list. Can also be used to initialize a list whose constructor was never called. More...
void RemoveAt (int index)
void RemoveRange (int index, int count)
void Pop ()
InternalList< T > Clone ()
 Makes a copy of the list with the same capacity More...
InternalList< T > CloneAndTrim ()
 Makes a copy of the list with Capacity = Count More...
T[] ToArray ()
 Makes a copy of the list, as an array More...
int BinarySearch (T lookFor)
int BinarySearch (T lookFor, Comparer< T > comp)
int BinarySearch (T lookFor, Comparer< T > comp, bool lowerBound)
int BinarySearch< K > (K lookFor, Func< T, K, int > func, bool lowerBound)
void Move (int from, int to)
 Slides the array entry at [from] forward or backward in the list, until it reaches [to]. More...
int IndexOf (T item)
int IndexOf (T item, int index)
bool Contains (T item)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex)
 Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular array index. More...
bool Remove (T item)
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
IEnumerator< T > GetEnumerator ()
TryGet (int index, out bool fail)
void Sort (Comparison< T > comp)
void Sort (int index, int count, Comparison< T > comp)
IRange< T > IListSource< T >. Slice (int start, int count)
Slice_< T > Slice (int start, int count=int.MaxValue)
InternalList< T > CopySection (int start, int subcount)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.IListSource< T >
IRange< T > Slice (int start, int count=int.MaxValue)
 Returns a sub-range of this list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.IContains< T >
bool Contains (T item)
 Returns true if and only if the collection contains the specified item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.IListRangeMethods< T >
void InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable< T > s)
void InsertRange (int index, IReadOnlyCollection< T > s)
void RemoveRange (int index, int amount)

Static Public Member Functions

static InternalList< T > AsInternalList< T > (this T[] array)
 Converts an array to InternalList (exists to help infer type params) More...
static InternalList< T > AsInternalList< T > (this T[] array, int count)
static T[] CopyToNewArray< T > (T[] _array, int _count, int newCapacity)
static T[] CopyToNewArray< T > (T[] array)
static void Fill< T > (T[] array, T value)
static void Fill< T > (T[] array, int start, int count, T value)
static int BinarySearch< T > (T[] array, int count, T k, Comparer< T > comp, bool lowerBound)
static int BinarySearch< T, K > (T[] _array, int _count, K k, Func< T, K, int > compare, bool lowerBound)
 Performs a binary search with a custom comparison function. More...
static int BinarySearchByIndex< Anything > (Anything data, int count, Func< int, Anything, int > compare, bool lowerBound)
 A binary search function that knows nothing about the list being searched. More...
static int NextLargerSize (int than)
 As an alternative to the typical enlarging pattern of doubling the array size when it overflows, this function proposes a 75% size increase instead (100% when the array is small), while ensuring that the array length stays even. More...
static int NextLargerSize (int than, int capacityLimit)
 Same as NextLargerSize(int), but allows you to specify a capacity limit, to avoid wasting memory when a collection has a known maximum size. More...
static T[] Insert< T > (int index, T item, T[] array, int count)
static T[] InsertRangeHelper< T > (int index, int spaceNeeded, T[] array, int count)
static T[] AutoRaiseCapacity< T > (T[] array, int count, int more, int capacityLimit)
static int RemoveAt< T > (int index, T[] array, int count)
static int RemoveAt< T > (int index, int removeCount, T[] array, int count)
static void Move< T > (T[] array, int from, int to)
static void Sort< T > (T[] array, int index, int count, Comparison< T > comp)
 Performs a quicksort using a Comparison function. More...
static void InsertionSort< T > (T[] array, int index, int count, Comparison< T > comp)
 Performs an insertion sort. More...
static bool AllEqual< T > (this InternalList< T > a, InternalList< T > b)
static bool AllEqual< T > (T[] a, T[] b, int count)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AsInternalList< T >()

static InternalList<T> Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.AsInternalList< T > ( this T[]  array)

Converts an array to InternalList (exists to help infer type params)

◆ BinarySearch< T, K >()

static int Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.BinarySearch< T, K > ( T[]  _array,
int  _count,
Func< T, K, int >  compare,
bool  lowerBound 

Performs a binary search with a custom comparison function.

_arrayArray to search
_countNumber of elements used in the array
kA key to compare with elements of the array
compareLambda function that knows how to compare Ts with Ks (T and K can be the same). It is passed a series of elements from the array. It must return 0 if the element has the desired value, 1 if the supplied element is higher than desired, and -1 if it is lower than desired.
lowerBoundWhether to find the "lower bound" in case there are duplicates in the list. If duplicates exist of the search key k, the lowest index of a matching duplicate is returned. This search mode may be slightly slower when a match exists.
The index of the matching array entry, if found. If no exact match was found, this method returns the bitwise complement of an insertion location that would preserve the order.

// The first 6 elements are sorted. The seventh is invalid, // and must be excluded from the binary search. int[] array = new int[] { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, -1 }; // The result will be 2, because array[2] == 20. int a = InternalList.BinarySearch(array, 6, i => i.CompareTo(20)); // The result will be ~2, which equals -3, because index 2 would // be the correct place to insert 17 to preserve the sort order. int b = InternalList.BinarySearch(array, 6, i => i.CompareTo(17));

◆ BinarySearchByIndex< Anything >()

static int Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.BinarySearchByIndex< Anything > ( Anything  data,
int  count,
Func< int, Anything, int >  compare,
bool  lowerBound 

A binary search function that knows nothing about the list being searched.

Template Parameters
AnythingAny data type relevant to the caller.
dataState information to be passed to compare()
countNumber of items in the list being searched
compareComparison method that is given the current index to examine and the state parameter "data".
lowerBoundWhether to find the "lower bound" in case there are duplicates in the list. If duplicates exist of the search key k exist, the lowest index of a matching duplicate is returned. This search mode may be slightly slower when a match exists.
The index of the matching index, if found. If no exact match was found, this method returns the bitwise complement of an insertion location that would preserve the sort order.

◆ Clear()

Clears the list and frees the memory used by the list. Can also be used to initialize a list whose constructor was never called.

Referenced by Loyc.Syntax.AbstractTriviaInjector< Token >.RunCore().

◆ Clone()

Makes a copy of the list with the same capacity

◆ CloneAndTrim()

InternalList<T> Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.CloneAndTrim ( )

Makes a copy of the list with Capacity = Count

◆ CopyTo()

void Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.CopyTo ( T[]  array,
int  arrayIndex 

Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular array index.

It's usually more convenient to call the ToArray() extension method, which calls this method for you.

This method exists for performance reasons (the collection itself can often copy data out faster than an enumerator can).

ArgumentNullExceptionarray is null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionarrayIndex is negative.
ArgumentExceptionThe number of elements in the source collection is greater than the available space from arrayIndex to the end of the destination array.

Implements Loyc.Collections.ICollectionSource< T >.

◆ InsertionSort< T >()

static void Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.InsertionSort< T > ( T[]  array,
int  index,
int  count,
Comparison< T >  comp 

Performs an insertion sort.

The insertion sort is a stable sort algorithm that is slow in general (O(N^2)). It should be used only when (a) the list to be sorted is short (less than about 20 elements) or (b) the list is very nearly sorted already.

See also

◆ Move()

void Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.Move ( int  from,
int  to 

Slides the array entry at [from] forward or backward in the list, until it reaches [to].

For example, if a list of integers is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then Move(4,1) produces the following result: [0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5].

Referenced by Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< Loyc.Collections.Impl.IAListTreeObserver< K, T > >.Move().

◆ NextLargerSize() [1/2]

static int Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.NextLargerSize ( int  than)

As an alternative to the typical enlarging pattern of doubling the array size when it overflows, this function proposes a 75% size increase instead (100% when the array is small), while ensuring that the array length stays even.

With a seed of 0, 2, or 4: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 54, 96, 170, 298, 522...
With a seed of 1: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 54, 96, 170, 298, 522...
With a seed of 3: 3, 6, 12, 22, 40, 72, 128, 226, 396...
With a seed of 5: 5, 10, 18, 32, 58, 102, 180, 316, 554...
With a seed of 7: 7, 14, 26, 46, 82, 144, 254, 446, 782...

75% size increases require 23.9% more allocations than size doubling (1.75 to the 1.239th power is about 2.0), but memory utilization is increased. With size doubling, the average list uses 2/3 of its entries, but with this resizing pattern, the average list uses 72.72% of its entries. The average size of a list is 8.3% lower. Originally I used 50% size increases, but they required 71% more allocations, which seemed like too much.

Referenced by Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< Loyc.Collections.Impl.IAListTreeObserver< K, T > >.NextLargerSize().

◆ NextLargerSize() [2/2]

static int Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.NextLargerSize ( int  than,
int  capacityLimit 

Same as NextLargerSize(int), but allows you to specify a capacity limit, to avoid wasting memory when a collection has a known maximum size.

thanReturn value will be larger than this number.
capacityLimitMaximum value to return. This parameter is ignored if it than >= capacityLimit.
Produces the same result as NextLargerSize(int) unless the return value would be near capacityLimit (and capacityLimit

than). If the return value would be more than capacityLimit,

capacityLimit is returned instead. If the return value would be slightly less than capacityLimit (within 20%) then capacityLimit is returned, to ensure that another reallocation will not be required later.

◆ Resize()

void Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.Resize ( int  newSize,
bool  allowReduceCapacity 

Makes the list larger or smaller, depending on whether newSize is larger or smaller than Count.

allowReduceCapacityIf this is true, and the new size is smaller than one quarter the current Capacity, the array is reallocated to a smaller size. If this parameter is false, the array is never reallocated when shrinking the list.
newSizeNew value of Count. If the Count increases, copies of default(T) are added to the end of the the list; otherwise items are removed from the end of the list.

◆ Sort< T >()

static void Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.Sort< T > ( T[]  array,
int  index,
int  count,
Comparison< T >  comp 

Performs a quicksort using a Comparison function.

Normally one uses Array.Sort for sorting arrays. This method exists because there is no Array.Sort overload that accepts both a Comparison and a range (index, count), nor does the .NET framework provide access to its internal adapter that converts Comparison to IComparer.

This quicksort algorithm uses a best-of-three pivot so that it remains performant (fast) if the input is already sorted. It is designed to perform reasonably well in case the data contains many duplicates (not verified). It is also designed to avoid using excessive stack space if a worst-case input occurs that requires O(N^2) time.

◆ ToArray()

T [] Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.ToArray ( )

Makes a copy of the list, as an array

Property Documentation

◆ Capacity

int Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< T >.Capacity

Gets or sets the array length.

Changing this property requires O(Count) time and temporary space. Attempting to set the capacity lower than Count has no effect.

Referenced by Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList< Loyc.Collections.Impl.IAListTreeObserver< K, T > >.Resize().